Our general conditions of
sale & use
Before the stay, the customer must ensure that their cat is:
1. Identified by tattoo or microchip;
2. Sterilized/neutered except for kittens under 6 months old;
3. Vaccinated against typhus and coryza & leukosis (failing this, he will not
will neither have access to games nor be in contact with other cats) ;
4. Dewormed for less than 6 months and treated against fleas for less than 1 month before the date of stay. (failing this, MAISON RONRON will be obliged to administer an anti-flea treatment and a dewormer when the cat enters at the customer's expense, in order to protect the other residents) ;
5. Complete an information sheet and report any risks related to the cat's health, behavior and habits;
When registering, the customer agrees to:
1. Place the cat in a secure transport box which will be kept on site;
2. Provide the original health record or passport. (The health record will be kept at the hotel for the duration of the stay) ;
MAISON RONRON reserves the right to refuse the care of a cat if, upon arrival at the hotel, it does not meet all of the admission conditions set out above.
The deposit paid during the reservation will then be retained as compensation for the immobilization of the reserved room.
3. Finalize the information sheet and have paid the entire amount of the reservation.
Check-in and check-out
1. Arrivals and departures are during opening hours of the establishment, and by appointment only. The same goes for visits to the establishment.
2. The cat is only taken care of by MAISON RONRON from the moment it is taken out of its transport bag upon arrival and until the cat placed in its crate is returned to its owner at time of departure.
3.The customer is required to appear on the date and time scheduled for the cat's departure. If this is not the case, MAISON RONRON will, depending on its organization, impose another appointment. (note that any additional day started will be due in full) .
4. Without hearing from the client after 8 days without any extension or notification by the client, the animal will be considered abandoned (see paragraph "ABANDONMENT").
Routine care and attention
1. MAISON RONRON is committed to offering its residents a clean, pleasant and secure place. The premises are cleaned and disinfected daily, heated in winter, air-conditioned in summer and ventilated using an air renewal system.
2. MAISON RONRON is committed to respecting the particular needs of each cat and more generally the fundamental needs linked to the feline species.
3. MAISON RONRON offers its residents all the necessary equipment and in sufficient quantity for the smooth running of their stay (food, litter, games and toys, cushions, baskets, etc.) . The customer will, however, have the option of providing the hotel with their cat's usual food, in sufficient quantities for the duration of their stay. However, no discount will be granted on the cost of the stay.
Cat health
Concerning cats following medical treatment or a specific nutritional diet, MAISON RONRON reserves the right to refuse care to a cat whose state of health is deemed incompatible with a stay in the hotel. If the customer fails to inform the hotel of the cat's state of health when booking, the deposit paid will be forfeited.
1. In the event of medicinal treatment, the customer undertakes to provide MAISON RONRON with the current treatment in sufficient quantity for the duration of the stay, with the prescription linked to the treatment. If the cat allows itself to be handled and the customer accepts that MAISON RONRON administers the treatment to the cat in accordance with the prescription, it will be invoiced at the current rate which can be viewed on the website www.maisonronron.com .
2. In the event of a specific nutritional diet, the customer undertakes to provide MAISON RONRON with the specific food in sufficient quantity for the duration of the stay (otherwise, premium dry food will be provided) .
Specific health care provided during the stay
Veterinarian intervention:
No resident staying at the hotel will be left without care if their state of health shows worrying signs.
In the event of doubts about the good health of a cat, MAISON RONRON undertakes to notify the customer (or if they cannot be reached, the people indicated in the information sheet) and to take all necessary measures to ensure his recovery as soon as possible.
If the observation of the cat requires it, it may be necessary to consult a veterinarian chosen by MAISON RONRON depending on the health problem encountered, unless the customer has expressly requested that their referring veterinarian be consulted as a priority.
For the well-being of the cat and other animals staying in the hotel, the veterinarian consulted is authorized to make any decision which cannot wait until having obtained the agreement of the client or which makes necessary the health of the other animals .
If the cat's health requires non-urgent intervention for which the owner's agreement can be obtained without the delays putting the cat's health in danger, the latter may be isolated while awaiting the agreement of its owner. In all cases, the costs incurred for the preservation of the cat's health will be advanced by MAISON RONRON and fully reimbursed by the customer if they are not covered under the Insurance included in the price of the stay.
Travel costs to the veterinarian, which can be consulted on www.maisonronron.com , are in no way covered by insurance and must be paid by the customer during check-out.
The responsibility of
MAISON RONRON undertakes to implement all necessary means to preserve the safety, health and well-being of the cats left in its care.
By entrusting their cat to MAISON RONRON, the customer recognizes that keeping an animal whose behavior is partly unpredictable prevents them from exercising permanent and absolute control over it. In addition, access to playrooms and the existence of high platforms and mobile toys implies acceptance, by the customer, of the existence of a risk inherent in the very nature of the cat.
MAISON RONRON cannot be held responsible for:
1. an accidental injury caused by the movement of the cat on the different platforms and the use of the toys made available to it;
2. an accidental scratch or injury caused by another cat, despite the care taken by MAISON RONRON to supervise animals having access to the playrooms together.
3. any illness, accident or deterioration in the cat's state of health, when the cause predates its stay and is revealed during it or subsequently. Thus, certain diseases can be present for months or even years in the body of certain cats, without the cat showing any clinical signs.
MAISON RONRON cannot be held responsible for the following diseases: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), IVF (“cat AIDS”), Leucosis, certain chronic forms of coryza, kidney or liver failure, ringworm – whether these pathologies appear during or after the stay.
4. More generally, the state of health of the cat when this is unrelated to the presence of the cat within the establishment. In all circumstances, the intervention report and/or the certificate drawn up by the referring veterinarian or any veterinarian who has received and taken care of the animal will be proof of the state of health of the cat and the cause thereof until proven otherwise by the customer.
5. The death of an animal during its stay without direct and conclusive proof of its responsibility or negligence. As each cat has sentimental and/or financial value for its owner, we advise owners to have them personally insured.
Reservations - cancellations payments - extensions
Prices can be viewed on the website www.maisonronron.com . MAISON RONRON reserves the right to change its prices. The rate applied for billing will be that in effect at the time of booking.
Stays are billed on a daily basis, with the full day of arrival due, regardless of arrival time. However, the day of arrival will not be charged in the event of late arrival during the evening slot 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Any reservation gives rise to immediate payment of the deposit, representing 50% of the total amount of the stay, failing which it will not be confirmed. It is possible to pay for your stay either in cash or through our online reservation system. The balance must be paid in full at check-in.
The customer can cancel their reservation free of charge up to 2 weeks before the start of the stay. However, in the event of cancellation less than 2 weeks from the scheduled arrival date, MAISON RONRON will retain the deposit as compensation for the loss of the reserved room. The balance will not be billed.
In the event of early departure of the cat after the start of its stay, the entire price of the reserved stay remains due. Conversely, any extension of the stay decided during it will be subject to the availability of the room and must be confirmed by full payment of the price of this extension before the end of the initial stay. In the event that no rooms are no longer available, the extension will not be guaranteed and the cat must be collected on the date initially planned.
After the period of 8 working days after the end of the contract between the customer and MAISON RONRON, any cat not recovered will be considered abandoned.
MAISON RONRON will then be able to dispose of it freely, without possible recourse on the part of the customer.
The customer will remain liable for all sums due. A complaint will be systematically filed with the nearest police station against the customer, for abandonment of an animal, on the basis of article 511-1 of the rural code.
CNIL notices
The personal information collected by MAISON RONRON is necessary to make a quote, a reservation or to manage the cat's stay in the best conditions.
This data may also be used and communicated to our partner insurers to manage the insurance guarantees taken out as part of the stay, or even propose extensions of guarantees.
The customer can, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, access information concerning him, have it rectified, oppose its communication to third parties or its use for commercial purposes by e-mail to the following address: contactmaisonronron@gmail .com .
The customer authorizes the publication of photos and videos of their cat on MAISON RONRON social networks and on any other hotel communication media (flyer, website, etc.)